Artist Rules of Performance

Porchella Rules of Performance

A $50 honorarium will be given to each member of the band, by e-transfer after the performance.

There will be no backline provided for each stage, but there will be a power cord on the porch, and we want to keep the volume to a reasonable level in deference to homeowners, neighbours and other performers.

If your porch has a sponsor, there will be signs on the lawn, we ask you to make mention of the sponsor during your performance. 

Artists must arrive and check in with the Stage Ambassador at your allotted porch, 15 minutes before your start time. If you are late your set will be shortened to fit the schedule.

Performances are from 45 mins to 55 mins, and if you go over that our volunteer will remind you it's your last song.  

Be respectful to other performers and the general public.

Porch Ambassadors can assist with carrying or guarding equipment and generally helping you get set up.

There will be a tip jar for each set, or you can bring your own. Remember to take your tips after your performance.  

Water will be provided.

This is a family event so there is no swearing, use of alcohol or smoking, on stage.

Enjoy the other performances and Have Fun!

Email us at: music[at]

© 2024 Porchella Campbellford. All Rights Reserved. 

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